Social-Business Letter (사교문)
10-1. 본 소개장의 지참인인 김동수씨는 고려화학염료주식회사의 수출 부장이온데 지금 필리핀의 화학약품 및 염료의 공급 사정을 알아 보기 위하여 필리핀으로 가는 길입니다.
The bearer of this letter, Mr. Kim Dong-su, is the Manager of the Export Division of Korea Dyestuffs Co., Inc., and is now on his Philippines to investigate the supply position and Dyestuffs there.
This will serve to introduce to you Mr. Manager of the Export Division of Korea Dyestuffs Co.,Inc., who is on his way to the Philippines to look into the supply situation of Chemicals and Dyestuffs there.
[ Useful Expressions ] (소개장)
(1) This will introduce to you the bearer, Mr. D. H. Hong, whom I have known personally for many years. I have always found him to be a gentleman, both in conduct and in reputation.
(2) Any courtesy you may show Mr. Hong will be considered a favor to myself, and I ask you to give him all possible service and attention.
(3) These gentlemen are visiting your country to study market conditions, and possibly to appoint their exclusive agent there.
10-2. 이 사무실에서 귀하의 업무를 빨리 처리하기 쉽게 하고 나아가서는 귀하께서 우리에게 맡기신 일을 못보고 넘어가는 일이 없도록 하기 위해서 일통일건주의가 편리할 것으로 우리는 생각하고 있습니다.
To facilitate the handling of your business in this office and further more to avoid oversight of any matter you refer to us, we think it more convenient if each letter contains but one subject.
We believe we will be better able to expedite the handling of your business in this office and, moreover, preclude any possible oversight if you make sure you deal with only one subject in one letter.
[ Useful Expressions ] (일통일건주의)
(1) Our organization is highly departmentalized and each department is subdivided into various sections. Therefore, if a letter contains several subjects of a different nature, it will be attended to by more than one section, and this could result in delay.
(2) We would, therefore, ask you to kindly make it a rule to write "one subject in one letter" to ensure our prompt attention, although any number of letters can, of course, be enclosed in one envelope.
10-3. 당사 수출부장 한상갑씨에게 6월 15일 저녁부터 이틀 밤 싱글룸 하나를 예약해 주십시오. 한씨는 하오 8시쯤 귀 호텔에 도착 예정이오니 지참으로 예약해 주십시오.
Please reserve a single room for Mr. Han Sang-gap, Export Manager of our Company, for two nights beginning June 15. Mr. Han will be arriving at your hotel about 8:00 p.m., so please hold the reservation for late arrival.
We would like to have a single room reserved for Mr. Han Sang-gap, our Export Manager, for two nights from June 15. His arrival at your hotel will be about 8 p.m., so please make the reservation for late check-in.
[ Useful Expressions ] (호텔예약)
(1) Please reserve a double room with twin beds and bath for Mr. and Mrs. Sydney A. Milton for April 7, 8 and 9. An outside room is preferred.
Mr. Milton expects to arrive at 7 p.m. by train.
He will require the use of a car on April 7 and 8 and would appreciate your making arrangements for the rental at a local agent.
(2) Please confirm by wire, collect, to Mr. Sydney A. Milton, Hotel Statler, Chicago.
(3) We have placed a reservation for you with Hankuk Hotel for four nights beginning May 16. We are enclosing a map. We hope you will like the Korean-style atmosphere of this hotel.
If there is anything further we can do for you, please feel free to let us know.
10-4. 본인은 한일무역회사를 대표하여 당사 창립 20주년 기념일에 보내주신 귀하의 축하의 말씀과 호의에 대해 귀하에게 감사드립니다.
On behalf of the Hanil Trading Company, I wish to thank you for your congratulations and good wishes upon the twentieth anniversary of the founding of this company.
The entire staff of the Hanil Trading Company join me in thanking you for your kindness in extending us congratulations and good wishes upon the 20th anniversary of this company.
[ Useful Expressions ] (연하장)
(1) ABC Company send you their good wishes for a merry Christmas and happy New Year.
(2) ABC Company tender you sincere greetings of the season and best wishes for your health and happiness throughout the coming year.
10-5. K. C . 박씨가 D. S. 한씨의 후임으로 로스앤젤레스 지점장에 임명되었음을 알려드립니다. 한씨는 서울 본점으로 전근되었습니다.
We take pleasure in informing you that Mr. K. C. Park has been appointed as manager of the Los Angeles Branch of this company to succeed Mr. D. S. Han, who has been transferred to our Head Office in Seoul.
We have the pleasure of informing you that Mr. K. C. Park has been appointed to serve as manager of the Los Angeles Branch of this company. Mr. Park succeeds Mr. D. S. Han, who is returning to the company's Head Office in Seoul .
[ Useful Expressions ] (인사교체)
(1) By the power of attorney, dated Seoul, December 21, Mr. Kim is empowered to sign on behalf of this company, of which please take note.
(2) Mr. Kim will sign as follows:
10-6. 귀하가 귀사의 총지배인으로 임명되셨다는 소식에 접하여 반갑습니다. 이는 귀하의 다년간의 충성된 근무와 회사를 위한 훌륭한 업적에 대한 당연한 인정입니다. 이 사무실의 전원은 저와 함께 우리의 충심의 축하와 최대의 호의를 보내는 바입니다.
I am delighted to hear of your appointment as general manager of your company. It's a well-deserved recognition of your many years' loyal service and excellent achievements for the company.
Everyone in this office joins me in offering you our heartiest congratulations and best wishes.
I am indeed happy to be told of your appointment as general manager of your company. Surely you well deserve the promotion in view of your many years of loyal service and superb accomplishments for the company.
Please accept wholehearted congratulations and best wishes from all of us this office.
[ Useful Expressions ] (승진 축하)
(1) Mr. Parker sent me the good news about your being appointed Merchandising Manager of the Head Office.
It's the kind of news I like to hear, Mr. Gould, because it proves once again that a good man always gets ahead.
Let me offer my warmest congratulations. I know you are going to be tops in the merchandising field.
(2) It was with mixed feelings of pleasure and disappointment that I read of your promotion to sales manager of the San Francisco Office - pleasure at seeing a long-standing business friend get the promotion he deserves, and disappointment in knowing that from now on you won't be seen so often.
I don't have to tell you that all of us in this area wish you the best of luck in your new position.
We know we will be reading more good news about you in the trade paper.
10-7. 당사는 우리의 급증하는 거래에 성공적으로 대처하고 귀지역 내에서의 상품의 발송을 용이하게 하기 위해서 로스앤젤레스 웨스트 제6번가 600번지에 당사의 지점을 신설했습니다.
We have established a new branch of our business in Los Angeles at 600 West Sixth Street in order to cope successfully with our rapidly increasing trade and to facilitate delivery of goods in your district.
We take pleasure in informing you that Los Angeles now has a branch of our company at 600 West 6th Street. We believe this new branch will enable us to successfully handle our fast-increasing trade and expedite delivery of goods in your area.
[ Useful Expressions ] (안내장)
(1) If you will kindly direct all future communications to that address, they will receive the prompt attention of our branch manager, Mr. Park Dal-jun.
(2) Please make sure that your communications are directed after January 10 to the following new address to which our Head Office will move.
10-8. 이것은 쓰기가 그리 쉬운 편지는 아닙니다. 우리는 가격인상이란 달가운 화제가 아님을 잘 알고 있기 때문입니다. 어느 기간 동안 우 리는 조만간 어떤 변화가 불가피하다고 생각해 왔습니다만 지금껏 그러한 가능성에 대해서 말씀드리고 싶지 않았습니다.
This isn't a very easy letter to write, since we well realize that price increases are not a welcome subject. For some time we've thought that sooner or later some changes would be inevitable, but up to now we haven't wanted to talk about such a possibility.
It is not very easy to write this letter as we well know that price increases are the last thing anybody would welcome. Up until now we have been reluctant to talk about this subject, although some changes have appeared inevitable sooner or later.
[ Useful Expressions ] (가격인상)
(1) Unfortunately, we have no choice. Our production costs, inks, supplies, and labor costs have been going up almost daily, and as a result we've established an increased-price basis on printed cellophane sheets and rolls-effective immediately.
(2) All the orders we have on file were entered with a clause to the effect that prices prevailing as of the date of shipment would apply Accordingly, we are increasing prices on the orders you have on file with us. Corrected acknowledgements are attached. We assume this will be entirely satisfactory with you, but if by any chance it isn't, we will appreciate your letting us know immediately.
10-9. 김한길씨는 유럽 여행으로부터 귀국하여 그가 귀하를 찾았을 때 귀하가 그에게 제공해 주신 특별한 보살핌을 우리에게 말해 주었습니다. 우리의 대표자를 친절히 맞다주신 데 대하여 진심으로 감사드리는 바입니다.
Mr. Kim Han-kil has returned home from his trip to Europe and told us of the wonderful hospitality you extended to him when he called on you. We should like to express our sincere thanks for your kind reception of our representative.
Having returned from his trip to Europe, Mr. Kim Han-kil told us especially of your warm hospitality accorded him when he visited you. We would like you to know how deeply grateful we are to you for your generous reception of our representative.
[ Useful Expressions ] (귀국 후 답신)
(1) We much appreciate your interest shown in our X-lon tiber for the carpet and rug trade. Following the arrangements he made in Berlin with you, we are sending you, by separate airmail, samples of coarse type and technical information on dyeing and spinning of the fiber.
The enclosed Price List No. 150 will give you the full details of our quotation. As arranged, we allow you the term: D/A 60 days after the arrival of the goods.
We should very much like to develop this business with you, and assure you of our immediate attention to your inquiries
(2) We thank you very much for your warm reception of Mr. Cho, our marketing manager, while he was visiting your city. We will be very happy to promote our business with you in the way Mr. Cho discussed with you there.
10-10. 선생과 브라운부인께서 나오셔서 저를 전송해 주신 것은 참으로 대단한 일이었습니다. 그렇게 이른 시간에 공항에 도착하시기란 쉬운 일이 아니었을 줄 압니다. 그래서 더욱 감사합니다.
It was certainly grand of you and Mrs. Brown to come and see me off! I know it wasn't easy for you to get to the airport at such an early hour, so I appreciate it all the more.
It was indeed very kind of you and Mrs. Brown to come a11 the way to the airport to see me off! It was such an early hour, frankly I did not expect it. For this, I feel all the more grateful.
[ Useful Expressions ] (귀국 인사)
(1) The f1ight was pleasant and we arrived safe in Seoul on schedule. I will write you again. In the meantime, please accept my sincere thanks for your manifold kindnesses accorded to me during my stay in your country.
(2) I enjoyed very much indeed my visit to your country, but I am quite certain that we would not have seen nearly as much or enjoyed it nearly so well had it not been for the attention that your staff gave us and the arrangements they made for our entertainment.
10-11. 본인은 귀국하였아오며 이 기회를 빌어 본인의 런던 체류 중 귀사를 방문했을 때 본인에게 베풀어주신 친절에 대하여 심심한 사의를 표하는 바입니다.
I have returned home and take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks for your kindness shown to me on the occasion of my visit to your office during my stay in London.
I am now back home and wish to express many thanks for your kindness shown to me when I visited your office while I was in London.
[ Useful Expressions ] (귀국 인사)
(1) The conversation I had with you was most Informative and enjoyable. I have submitted my report to the office and assure you of our immediate attention to your inquiries. With kindest personal regards to you and your office members.
(2) I wish to tell you how very much I appreciate your kindness in introducing me to various places during my recent visit to your country. It was generous of you to devote so much of your time to showing me about.
10-1. 본 소개장의 지참인인 김동수씨는 고려화학염료주식회사의 수출 부장이온데 지금 필리핀의 화학약품 및 염료의 공급 사정을 알아 보기 위하여 필리핀으로 가는 길입니다.
The bearer of this letter, Mr. Kim Dong-su, is the Manager of the Export Division of Korea Dyestuffs Co., Inc., and is now on his Philippines to investigate the supply position and Dyestuffs there.
This will serve to introduce to you Mr. Manager of the Export Division of Korea Dyestuffs Co.,Inc., who is on his way to the Philippines to look into the supply situation of Chemicals and Dyestuffs there.
[ Useful Expressions ] (소개장)
(1) This will introduce to you the bearer, Mr. D. H. Hong, whom I have known personally for many years. I have always found him to be a gentleman, both in conduct and in reputation.
(2) Any courtesy you may show Mr. Hong will be considered a favor to myself, and I ask you to give him all possible service and attention.
(3) These gentlemen are visiting your country to study market conditions, and possibly to appoint their exclusive agent there.
10-2. 이 사무실에서 귀하의 업무를 빨리 처리하기 쉽게 하고 나아가서는 귀하께서 우리에게 맡기신 일을 못보고 넘어가는 일이 없도록 하기 위해서 일통일건주의가 편리할 것으로 우리는 생각하고 있습니다.
To facilitate the handling of your business in this office and further more to avoid oversight of any matter you refer to us, we think it more convenient if each letter contains but one subject.
We believe we will be better able to expedite the handling of your business in this office and, moreover, preclude any possible oversight if you make sure you deal with only one subject in one letter.
[ Useful Expressions ] (일통일건주의)
(1) Our organization is highly departmentalized and each department is subdivided into various sections. Therefore, if a letter contains several subjects of a different nature, it will be attended to by more than one section, and this could result in delay.
(2) We would, therefore, ask you to kindly make it a rule to write "one subject in one letter" to ensure our prompt attention, although any number of letters can, of course, be enclosed in one envelope.
10-3. 당사 수출부장 한상갑씨에게 6월 15일 저녁부터 이틀 밤 싱글룸 하나를 예약해 주십시오. 한씨는 하오 8시쯤 귀 호텔에 도착 예정이오니 지참으로 예약해 주십시오.
Please reserve a single room for Mr. Han Sang-gap, Export Manager of our Company, for two nights beginning June 15. Mr. Han will be arriving at your hotel about 8:00 p.m., so please hold the reservation for late arrival.
We would like to have a single room reserved for Mr. Han Sang-gap, our Export Manager, for two nights from June 15. His arrival at your hotel will be about 8 p.m., so please make the reservation for late check-in.
[ Useful Expressions ] (호텔예약)
(1) Please reserve a double room with twin beds and bath for Mr. and Mrs. Sydney A. Milton for April 7, 8 and 9. An outside room is preferred.
Mr. Milton expects to arrive at 7 p.m. by train.
He will require the use of a car on April 7 and 8 and would appreciate your making arrangements for the rental at a local agent.
(2) Please confirm by wire, collect, to Mr. Sydney A. Milton, Hotel Statler, Chicago.
(3) We have placed a reservation for you with Hankuk Hotel for four nights beginning May 16. We are enclosing a map. We hope you will like the Korean-style atmosphere of this hotel.
If there is anything further we can do for you, please feel free to let us know.
10-4. 본인은 한일무역회사를 대표하여 당사 창립 20주년 기념일에 보내주신 귀하의 축하의 말씀과 호의에 대해 귀하에게 감사드립니다.
On behalf of the Hanil Trading Company, I wish to thank you for your congratulations and good wishes upon the twentieth anniversary of the founding of this company.
The entire staff of the Hanil Trading Company join me in thanking you for your kindness in extending us congratulations and good wishes upon the 20th anniversary of this company.
[ Useful Expressions ] (연하장)
(1) ABC Company send you their good wishes for a merry Christmas and happy New Year.
(2) ABC Company tender you sincere greetings of the season and best wishes for your health and happiness throughout the coming year.
10-5. K. C . 박씨가 D. S. 한씨의 후임으로 로스앤젤레스 지점장에 임명되었음을 알려드립니다. 한씨는 서울 본점으로 전근되었습니다.
We take pleasure in informing you that Mr. K. C. Park has been appointed as manager of the Los Angeles Branch of this company to succeed Mr. D. S. Han, who has been transferred to our Head Office in Seoul.
We have the pleasure of informing you that Mr. K. C. Park has been appointed to serve as manager of the Los Angeles Branch of this company. Mr. Park succeeds Mr. D. S. Han, who is returning to the company's Head Office in Seoul .
[ Useful Expressions ] (인사교체)
(1) By the power of attorney, dated Seoul, December 21, Mr. Kim is empowered to sign on behalf of this company, of which please take note.
(2) Mr. Kim will sign as follows:
10-6. 귀하가 귀사의 총지배인으로 임명되셨다는 소식에 접하여 반갑습니다. 이는 귀하의 다년간의 충성된 근무와 회사를 위한 훌륭한 업적에 대한 당연한 인정입니다. 이 사무실의 전원은 저와 함께 우리의 충심의 축하와 최대의 호의를 보내는 바입니다.
I am delighted to hear of your appointment as general manager of your company. It's a well-deserved recognition of your many years' loyal service and excellent achievements for the company.
Everyone in this office joins me in offering you our heartiest congratulations and best wishes.
I am indeed happy to be told of your appointment as general manager of your company. Surely you well deserve the promotion in view of your many years of loyal service and superb accomplishments for the company.
Please accept wholehearted congratulations and best wishes from all of us this office.
[ Useful Expressions ] (승진 축하)
(1) Mr. Parker sent me the good news about your being appointed Merchandising Manager of the Head Office.
It's the kind of news I like to hear, Mr. Gould, because it proves once again that a good man always gets ahead.
Let me offer my warmest congratulations. I know you are going to be tops in the merchandising field.
(2) It was with mixed feelings of pleasure and disappointment that I read of your promotion to sales manager of the San Francisco Office - pleasure at seeing a long-standing business friend get the promotion he deserves, and disappointment in knowing that from now on you won't be seen so often.
I don't have to tell you that all of us in this area wish you the best of luck in your new position.
We know we will be reading more good news about you in the trade paper.
10-7. 당사는 우리의 급증하는 거래에 성공적으로 대처하고 귀지역 내에서의 상품의 발송을 용이하게 하기 위해서 로스앤젤레스 웨스트 제6번가 600번지에 당사의 지점을 신설했습니다.
We have established a new branch of our business in Los Angeles at 600 West Sixth Street in order to cope successfully with our rapidly increasing trade and to facilitate delivery of goods in your district.
We take pleasure in informing you that Los Angeles now has a branch of our company at 600 West 6th Street. We believe this new branch will enable us to successfully handle our fast-increasing trade and expedite delivery of goods in your area.
[ Useful Expressions ] (안내장)
(1) If you will kindly direct all future communications to that address, they will receive the prompt attention of our branch manager, Mr. Park Dal-jun.
(2) Please make sure that your communications are directed after January 10 to the following new address to which our Head Office will move.
10-8. 이것은 쓰기가 그리 쉬운 편지는 아닙니다. 우리는 가격인상이란 달가운 화제가 아님을 잘 알고 있기 때문입니다. 어느 기간 동안 우 리는 조만간 어떤 변화가 불가피하다고 생각해 왔습니다만 지금껏 그러한 가능성에 대해서 말씀드리고 싶지 않았습니다.
This isn't a very easy letter to write, since we well realize that price increases are not a welcome subject. For some time we've thought that sooner or later some changes would be inevitable, but up to now we haven't wanted to talk about such a possibility.
It is not very easy to write this letter as we well know that price increases are the last thing anybody would welcome. Up until now we have been reluctant to talk about this subject, although some changes have appeared inevitable sooner or later.
[ Useful Expressions ] (가격인상)
(1) Unfortunately, we have no choice. Our production costs, inks, supplies, and labor costs have been going up almost daily, and as a result we've established an increased-price basis on printed cellophane sheets and rolls-effective immediately.
(2) All the orders we have on file were entered with a clause to the effect that prices prevailing as of the date of shipment would apply Accordingly, we are increasing prices on the orders you have on file with us. Corrected acknowledgements are attached. We assume this will be entirely satisfactory with you, but if by any chance it isn't, we will appreciate your letting us know immediately.
10-9. 김한길씨는 유럽 여행으로부터 귀국하여 그가 귀하를 찾았을 때 귀하가 그에게 제공해 주신 특별한 보살핌을 우리에게 말해 주었습니다. 우리의 대표자를 친절히 맞다주신 데 대하여 진심으로 감사드리는 바입니다.
Mr. Kim Han-kil has returned home from his trip to Europe and told us of the wonderful hospitality you extended to him when he called on you. We should like to express our sincere thanks for your kind reception of our representative.
Having returned from his trip to Europe, Mr. Kim Han-kil told us especially of your warm hospitality accorded him when he visited you. We would like you to know how deeply grateful we are to you for your generous reception of our representative.
[ Useful Expressions ] (귀국 후 답신)
(1) We much appreciate your interest shown in our X-lon tiber for the carpet and rug trade. Following the arrangements he made in Berlin with you, we are sending you, by separate airmail, samples of coarse type and technical information on dyeing and spinning of the fiber.
The enclosed Price List No. 150 will give you the full details of our quotation. As arranged, we allow you the term: D/A 60 days after the arrival of the goods.
We should very much like to develop this business with you, and assure you of our immediate attention to your inquiries
(2) We thank you very much for your warm reception of Mr. Cho, our marketing manager, while he was visiting your city. We will be very happy to promote our business with you in the way Mr. Cho discussed with you there.
10-10. 선생과 브라운부인께서 나오셔서 저를 전송해 주신 것은 참으로 대단한 일이었습니다. 그렇게 이른 시간에 공항에 도착하시기란 쉬운 일이 아니었을 줄 압니다. 그래서 더욱 감사합니다.
It was certainly grand of you and Mrs. Brown to come and see me off! I know it wasn't easy for you to get to the airport at such an early hour, so I appreciate it all the more.
It was indeed very kind of you and Mrs. Brown to come a11 the way to the airport to see me off! It was such an early hour, frankly I did not expect it. For this, I feel all the more grateful.
[ Useful Expressions ] (귀국 인사)
(1) The f1ight was pleasant and we arrived safe in Seoul on schedule. I will write you again. In the meantime, please accept my sincere thanks for your manifold kindnesses accorded to me during my stay in your country.
(2) I enjoyed very much indeed my visit to your country, but I am quite certain that we would not have seen nearly as much or enjoyed it nearly so well had it not been for the attention that your staff gave us and the arrangements they made for our entertainment.
10-11. 본인은 귀국하였아오며 이 기회를 빌어 본인의 런던 체류 중 귀사를 방문했을 때 본인에게 베풀어주신 친절에 대하여 심심한 사의를 표하는 바입니다.
I have returned home and take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks for your kindness shown to me on the occasion of my visit to your office during my stay in London.
I am now back home and wish to express many thanks for your kindness shown to me when I visited your office while I was in London.
[ Useful Expressions ] (귀국 인사)
(1) The conversation I had with you was most Informative and enjoyable. I have submitted my report to the office and assure you of our immediate attention to your inquiries. With kindest personal regards to you and your office members.
(2) I wish to tell you how very much I appreciate your kindness in introducing me to various places during my recent visit to your country. It was generous of you to devote so much of your time to showing me about.
10-12. 저는 본인의 귀지 체류 중 본인에게 보여주신 친절에 대하여 진심으로 사의를 표하오며 사업면에 관해서 주신 많은 충고와 특히 귀지에서 실행되고 있는 사업의 방법에 대하여 사의를 표합니다.
I wish to express my hearty thanks for the kindness you showed me during my stay there, and for the much advice you gave me concerning business matters, and especially for the manner of business being conducted there.
Please accept my sincere gratitude for your hospitality which made my stay there really pleasant and comfortable. I also appreciate very much the generous advice you gave me on business matters handled there.
[ Useful Expressions ] (귀국 인사)
It was my greatest pleasure to have had the opportunity of knowing you and your people personally and discussing with you various factors involved in the business between you and us through our Hongkong Office.
I wish to express my hearty thanks for the kindness you showed me during my stay there, and for the much advice you gave me concerning business matters, and especially for the manner of business being conducted there.
Please accept my sincere gratitude for your hospitality which made my stay there really pleasant and comfortable. I also appreciate very much the generous advice you gave me on business matters handled there.
[ Useful Expressions ] (귀국 인사)
It was my greatest pleasure to have had the opportunity of knowing you and your people personally and discussing with you various factors involved in the business between you and us through our Hongkong Office.
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