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[비즈]신용조회 및 신용보고서

▷ 신용조회 및 신용보고서
1. 신용조회
        [날짜:      년 월 일]
As we are entering into new business relations with [거래할 회사명],
we would appreciate if you can give the exact information regarding financial status
and general reputation of the company.
We assure that any information
2. 신용조회
        [날짜:      년 월 일]
As we are entering into new business relations with [거래할 회사명],
we would appreciate if you can give the exact information regarding financial status
and general reputation of the company.
We assure that any information
3. 신용조회
        [날짜:      년 월 일]
As we are entering into new business relations with [거래할 회사명],
we would appreciate if you can give the exact information regarding financial status
and general reputation of the company.
We assure that any information
4. 신용조사 의뢰의 회답
                                                                    Los Angeles, August 20, 1997
Pacific Trading Co., Ltd.
Seoul, Korea


In response to your inquiry of August 5, we are pleased to inform you that, although having not been long estab
5. 신용조사 의뢰의 회답
                                                                    Los Angeles, August 20, 1997
Pacific Trading Co., Ltd.
Seoul, Korea


In response to your inquiry of August 5, we are pleased to inform you that, although having not been long estab
6. 신용조사 의뢰의 회답
                                                                    Los Angeles, August 20, 1997
Pacific Trading Co., Ltd.
Seoul, Korea


In response to your inquiry of August 5, we are pleased to inform you that, although having not been long estab
7. 해외동업자에 신규대리점 신청자의 신용조사 의뢰
                                                                                            August 5, 1997

Messrs. S. William Corporation
548 South Spring Street
Los Angeles, CA 90013, U.S.A.


Messrs. Samuelson & Co. of your city have proposed to represent us
8. 해외동업자에 신규대리점 신청자의 신용조사 의뢰
                                                                                            August 5, 1997

Messrs. S. William Corporation
548 South Spring Street
Los Angeles, CA 90013, U.S.A.


Messrs. Samuelson & Co. of your city have proposed to represent us
9. 해외동업자에 신규대리점 신청자의 신용조사 의뢰
                                                                                            August 5, 1997

Messrs. S. William Corporation
548 South Spring Street
Los Angeles, CA 90013, U.S.A.


Messrs. Samuelson & Co. of your city have proposed to represent us